Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Kony 2012

Watch. Share. Donate. Spread the word.
Help them stop the evil of Kony.

Monday, March 5, 2012

A New Me

So after having a baby, I think its time to work on me..
I am trying to get the excess baby weight off, but
I wish the weather would get nice. I really have
no motivation to actually exercise inside my house
on a daily basis..
Yes yes, I can be really lazy. I have the drive,
just not the motivation. I need warmer weather
so I can go outside and run or at least open a 
window and get fresh air.

I am going to get my hair done soon.
Just as soon as we see how my son
does on a bottle for the first time.
We have yet to introduce an actual
bottle until now. Hopefully that goes

But the whole reason for this post..
I want to invest in GOOD make-up.
Like from Ulta or Sephora.
But there are SO many choices, I
don't know how to choose. So I
am asking you, what are your favorites?
What are the must have brands?

Friday, March 2, 2012

Milspouse Friday Fill-In

1. What is your favorite/most unique anniversary/birthday gift from your spouse? suggested by Bel at Being a Better Me
I would have to say last year for my birthday. Hubs got me diamond earrings and the matching necklace from my favorite store, Kays :) But this year, I got an early birthday present and was blessed with my precious baby boy, so I think he out ranks the jewelry ;)
2. What’s your first thought when you see it’s snowing (or what would you say if you don’t live somewhere with snow? suggested by Poekitten from Many Waters
Living in Ohio for 25 years, I am quite used to the snow. But I usually only do serious complaining when it is coming down crazy, or if I wake up and we have a bunch of snow. Other than that, I am pretty used to it. Would love to get away from it though!
3. What’s one thing in the past month you would have changed?  suggested by Erika from Chambanachik
I didn't have to send my husband back to that awful place from R&R.
4. What was your favorite thing that happened in February? 
I had two amazing things happen. I got to see my husband again, after several long months and our handsome son was born February 5th :)
5. What are you looking forward to in March?
Hopefully warmer weather so me and baby can go out and adventure around. And another month down :)

I Would Like To Introduce...

My Precious Little Baby,

Matthew Ryan :)

He was born February 5, 2012
Two days later, we had to send Daddy back to Afghanistan.
Seriously, the hardest thing ever, for the both of us.
On a more positive note, we are almost half way done 
with this deployment!!

I apologize for my absence. I have not been the best blogger.
I will try my hardest to get back in the swing of things.
God knows, I have a bunch to say, just not enough time.
Its only me raising this little one while Daddy is gone.

Hope everyone has been well :)