went bowling with the guys tonight. Kenny & Nick. the girls who were with us dont count. im almost positive they wont be around long so im not even going to mention names. but they are my best friends. if i ever in my life get married again, they will def be in my wedding. their hilarious and i dont know where my life would be without them. well im going to bed. night everyone!! :)
Thursday, December 17, 2009
new beginnings
so im new to all of this blogging stuff. all thanks to my wonderful bestest friend ever, jenner, im now in the relm. haha. but anyways, January is quickly approaching. can you believe it? where the hell did the year go to?? i dont even know if anything memorable happeneded in my life this year, obviously not because nothing is coming to mind. its just like a big blur that flew by. the only good thing that came out of this year is finding my boyfriend Josh. we have been talking again since May, we went to elementary school together, took until just this past November to put the boyfriend/girlfriend title onto it. Stupid i know, but he's a boy what can you expect. But he is an amazing boy. I have not been this happy in God knows how long. I cant even bring him up in conversation without having the biggest stupidest cheesy smile on my face. He makes me happy. yeah he annoys me at times, but what person doesnt. sad thing is, in june of 2010 he is leaving me for 4 months. wonderful life of the army. he is going to missouri, so its not too far. only an 11 hour drive, ha onlyyy. but i love him. never in my life thought i would say those words again after my ex. everyone who told me i was full of it everytime i said i would never love anyone again was right. absolutely right. i got sucked back in to the love thing. i just hope it doesnt fail me this time. anyways, off that subject...
my goal for the new year - lose some weight. for real though. i say it every year, but this year im determined. i wanna take a trip to the beach with all the friendlys next summer, so i gotta get my bikini bod back. im gonna work really hard, and if you see me slacking - yell at me to get back on the train. haha. the eliptical is going to be my best friend for the entire next semester i promise. speaking of semesters - i got my grades back for fall 09 semester. two A's and a B-, stupid math final. ended up with a 3.5, not bad i guess for my first semester back after taking a semester off. i need to declare a major though. im in school with no major declared yet. who does that?? all i know is i want to work in the medical setting and i want to work with babies and children. no clue where to go with that though.
finally got to see my little god-daughter tonight. she is getting sooo big. time is flying by. she is a spitting image of my best friend/god-sister. definitly rotten, i took her a pack of double stuffed oreos or as she calls them, "Oh Oh's". haha, gotta love one year olds. she knows how to open the pack all by herself and everything. one word - rotten. but she is my little baby - my heart. i would do anything for her.
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