Wednesday, July 14, 2010

42 days

It has been 42 days since my baby has been in Missouri. 42 days seems like a million more then it really is. 24 more days until I get to see my favorite baby blues, my favorite lips and hug my favorite man. 24 long dayss. I am only going for the weekend, I'll get to St. Louis on Friday, 6 August around 8ish and leave Sunday, 8 August around 6ish. Having him here for his weekend pass for the fourth was amazing, I wish it didn't have to end. Just as I was getting used to him being gone, he comes home. Then as I am getting used to having him around again, he leaves. I balled my eyes out the whole car ride home, just like I did the first time when he left. So I can only imagine how I will be walking through the airport, eyes all puffy and red. But it is so worth it, anytime I can see my man is worth it, even if its only for the weekend. Exactly 80 days until he is done with BOLC and gradauted, 80 moreeee days. Ughhh, I can't look at it in days, I'll go crazy. So 12 Fridays, 12 more Fridays and he'll be back in Ohio, safe and sound.

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