Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween Came and Went...

So lately I have been in these moods where I don't even want to get out of bed. I know it's not healthy at all and I'm working on it. Reality is sinking in and being thrown in my face. My husband is off fighting a war and here I am six months pregnant all alone. I don't think things would be as difficult if I wasn't pregnant. Obviously I am not complaining about him, I'm overly excited for him. Just not excited that I have no friends to help keep me busy because I can't go out and party with them. Halloween has came and gone, one of my favorite holidays. Guess what I did? Absolutely nothing. And everyone who knows what I'm going through and are going through it as well are 2 hours away from me. I know it's not healthy for me and baby...I'm working on it.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday Fill-In

1. The best part of October was having my husband home for his 4 day pass
2. The worst part of October was  having to say goodbye all over again
3. For Halloween, I’ll be with family taking my nieces and nephew trick or treating
4. I hope that in November it doesn't snow like a mad man outside. I hate the snow. I need to move
5. Wifey has posted MilSpouse Secret Santa. I  will be participating, hopefully! :)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

I give you...

My version of those Halloween cupcakes. Their not as 
good because the frosting I made kind of sucked.
It was really runny until it hardened up on the cupcake.
Gotta find a new one for sure.
But they are for 8 and 9 year old's, so they don't need 
to be perfect. They also made a huge mess of my kitchen..

It's Thursday, again!

So that means, it is time to link up with Goodnight Moon for a good
ol' jam session. In honor of Halloween becoming so close and all
the trick or treats starting today in various parts of where I live,
I thought it would only be fitting to pick this song. I LOVED
this song as a kid, not exactly sure why, but I did.

With that being said, I am off to bake cupcakes for
my niece's Halloween party tomorrow. I am such an
awesome aunt! :)

Here is what I plan on them looking like

Hope they look this good!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Last night I kept having these awful dreams about hubs.
Not anything to have to do with his deployment, but he 
was home, we were living our normal life. It all felt so
real. I was pregnant, a little further along than I am now,
and I had just found out that he cheated on me, again...
(It's not secret what happened before)....
Yes, I woke up crying & I was tossing and turning.
But that fact that he just didn't care killed me, again.
And here I was pregnant with his baby.

The kicker though, I woke up probably 3 
different times and ALL 3 times I would go
right back to that dream, it just kept continuing
every time and it didn't get much better any time.
I finally woke up around 730am and stayed up 
because I couldn't deal with that again. But now
I have this horrible gut wrenching feeling that
maybe it was trying to tell me something.
How often do dreams just continue on like that?

The last thing I want to do is bring it up to hubs
though, because the whole topic is touch and go
because I tend to make it worse ( I think I have
every right though). But I still can't shake that
bad feeling and its only10:50am...

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Baby Stuff

So I realize I haven't put any pictures of baby stuff on here,
only Facebook. So I thought I would share some of the
baby items that have been bought FOR us!!
We have gotten really lucky with all the help with
purchasing baby items. These items alone are 
close to a $1,000. This baby has nicer stuff than
hubs and I combined. 
Here are a few photos for viewing. I'll post an
ultrasound picture as soon as I make it "mine", 
so no crazy people try to steal my baby's photos.

What I REALLY want!! But the turn around time for
this girl making them is MONTHS! I understand a
couple of weeks, but not months. Anyone who knows
someone who makes these and can make me one,
I appreciate it!



Really want the first one, just ACU print!

Monday, October 24, 2011

It's That Wonderful Time of the Year

So it's only the end of October, but who doesn't love
Christmas!! I know I do! With that being said, I am 
browsing my favorite website to create Christmas
cards for 2011, Shutterfly. They have SO many
options to choose from. We did a simple but
very cute Christmas card last year. This year 
I want to do something more creative, with
more photos and some sweet words.

It's really blurry, but that was our Christmas card
last year! This year I really like these..

I am still searching the website to find the perfect one
but I can guarentee I will be purchasing my cards
from here! 

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Family Matters

Saturday afternoon I went and watched hubs little niece cheer 
her last football game. A bunch of the family came out. She 
was so cute. I have photos on my phone, but no clue how
to get them on here (anyone can help). All was good, or
so I thought. I got left alone with his grandmother for 
about 10 minutes, normally it wouldn't be a big deal,
except ever since hubs deployment she has been
a basket case.

I completely understand that the deployment is hard
on EVERYONE. I am in no way putting down how
she is dealing with it, I just don't necessarily agree.
She cries ALL the time, but whatever, if it helps her
so be it. Just don't do it around me is all I ask. She
then proceeds to go on and on about, "Oh, I just
really hope he comes home. I couldn't handle 
losing him." Ummm...hello!!! Your talking to his 
WIFE here, do you really think I want to hear this?
I continue to try to be nice and tell her that she can
not think like that or the next year will be miserable.

I couldn't be nice anymore when she proceeded to
tell me that, although our situation is unique and I am 
his wife and carrying his baby but because I haven't
"known" him for as long as her and the rest of his family
that essentially they should take precedence over me,
because she basically raised him and he is "special" to
her. I get that he is her first grandchild, but she has 5 
other one's to focus on now. They have a hard time
accepting the fact that he is not a baby anymore
and that he has a wife and a baby of his own coming.
I think they fail to realize that I will be the first one to
know almost everything. It's just so frustrating.

They have done a lot for us and the baby already
so I don't want to be a bitch, but seriously, where
does the line get drawn? 

Does anyone else have family in-laws that have been
the same way? How have you dealt with them?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Song Link-Up

So, deployment sucks. I miss my husband. I am lonely.
Being pregnant isn't helping any.
Especially a high risk pregnancy.
Okay, I'm done complaining.

Here's my song.

It's not Blake Shelton, but their pretty good too

Hope everyone had a wonderful day!
And thank goodness for Skype!!
Just got to talk and see the hubs, I feel better!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Disciple Photography

These are a few of my favorite photos from a little shoot hubs and I 
did while he was home. My friend Morgan did them for 
FREE! She is amazing. Be sure to check out her other

Let me know what you think of them :)

It's been a while...

Hey guys! Sorry I have been MIA for a while. A lot has happened since
the last time I was able to blog. To get you all caught up though, this
is what has been happening.

Mine and hubs first deployment is well under way. He was just 
home this past weekend for his four day pass. It was 
probably the fastest four days of my life thus far. Sadly 
though, I had to share him with A LOT of people.
As unhappy as I was about sharing him, I was just
happy to have him home. Now he is gone, for 
quite some time too. 

As proud of him as I am, it still sucks. I miss him
so much, especially with the baby coming soon
and all of the baby activities taking place soon.
I just want more than anything to have him here, 
but that isn't an option. I need a hobby.
Preferably one that isn't expensive. Or
an easy coping method to deal with everything.

I am now 23 weeks pregnant. I still have 
a ways to go, but time is going FAST!
January will be here before I know it.
We finally picked out a name for baby, after
much debate. And we didn't fully agree until
hubs was seconds away from getting on
the plane to leave us again. Kind of cute,
definitely not something we will forget.
But we plan on keeping the name a 
secret until baby is born since I didn't
want to tell anyone it was a boy from
the beginning but hubs was so excited.

We also got all moved in to our new place.
And we got to set up the baby's bed & dresser
while hubs was home. So that was exciting.

That is all for now. I promise I will be back
to regularly blogging again. I just had to wait
until the internet got hooked up and spent
time with the hubs. Hope everyone
is well. I have some serious catching up to do.
Hopefully if you follow me on twitter,
your not too far behind on me :)