Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I'm Done..

I am over this. I am over everything in my life. How can my life go from perfect to completely ruined in a matter of days. I have not one thing to live for anymore. Everyone says myself, but I don't feel like that even matters anymore. Found out I can't get my financial aid now because apparently you have to complete so many credit hours for which you enroll. Well lucky me had to withdraw from this quarter, so there goes a wasted 15 credits and now because of that I am no longer elgible for financial aid. This list of bullshit, miserableness just keeps getting worse. I still have no job. The one person who can even make this remotely a little bit better, won't. Because he just wants to be a whore and fuck anyone and everyone. My whole world has literally been shattered. Nothing is right. So therefore I'm done. I am throwing in the towel. I don't know when it will happen, but I don't have a desire to live anymore. Everyone thinks I am this incredibly strong person, and at times I am, but maybe I hit my low point. I hit my point of not caring about life anymore. I hit my point of not having a reason to exist anymore.

I love you more than anything JRB


Anonymous said...

We are in the same boat...alone and NOTHING is okay in life. You should E-mail me.

Julie said...

Life has a lot of curveballs so right now is one of them, but don't do anything rash. Things will work out. It just takes time. Just take some time to enjoy and love the great person you are and you will see how amazing life is without him.

Unknown said...

Hang in there!! Things just seem tough at the moment but everything will get better. You are such a beautiful young girl. Don't let a guy ruin anything for you.

Melissa said...

I know it really sucks right now and I can only imagine how you are feeling. It will take time, but you will get through it. As Julie also said, please don't do anything rash! And don't ever hesitate to call me or text me if you need someone to talk to. *hugs* ♥